Tuesday, September 22, 2020

22 September 2020 - Plague Journal Day 193

Micah 6:8
Psalm 104:16-23
Yes, your life matters.

We all are still sheltering in place, but I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

As you know, yesterday marked the 83rd anniversary of the publication of JRR Tolkien's "The Hobbit." Oddly, today we celebrate National Hobbit Day. Perhaps that's because the book came out a day later in these United States than it had back in the United Kingdom? I don't know, and it's not worth researching, as we may as well simply celebrate Hobbits today as we celebrated the book yesterday.

Additionally, today is Chainmail Day, and that links with Hobbit day nicely (see what I did there?), as both Bilbo and Frodo wore mithril chainmail. I don't actually own any chainmail, but I have seen the rule book for chainmail, which was part of the basis for the original combat system in Dungeons and Dragons. If you search for images of chainmail clothing, you should probably keep your safe search turned on. Just a word to the wise - there's a lot of NSFW chainmail out there. Who knew? (I do now.)

As nearly everyone knows, today is the Autumnal Equinox (one assumes it's the Vernal Equinox in the Southern hemisphere), so we have equal amounts of day and night as we move from Summer to Autumn. In defiance of the calendar and the stars and planets, today is also National Ice Cream Cone Day, so why not indulge in a micro-retro-revolt and have an ice cream cone today? That sounds good to me, and I don't even like sweets much.

Keep Calm and Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.
The mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, has a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264.

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