Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Starving Artists? - 09 March 2021 - Plague Journal Day 362

Micah 6:8
Psalm 126
Yes, your life matters.

We all are still sheltering in place, but I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

Today is Unique Names Day, a day that is perfect for a little more of my shameless self-promotion. If you were to peruse a character list from my first novel, Bytes Akimbo - Cybersleuth, you would find a veritable plethora of unique names. From Boden Bdrndrn to Malcolm X Forbes with a raft of others in between. I highly recommend this book for a few reasons. First, I know its author quite well, and I think pretty highly of him. Second, it still makes me laugh when I read it, lo these many years later. Third, I could use the royalty checks. Why not check it out? It's available in both printed and Kindle versions. (By the way, I work hard to avoid ever saying something is "more unique" or "very unique" as those are nearly meaningless. Either something is unique or it's not. Another pet peeve revealed.)

Keep Calm and Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.
The mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, has a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264.

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