Tuesday, May 12, 2020

12 May 2020 - Plague Journal Day 61

We all are still sheltering in place, but I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

Today is Limerick Day, and so, with no apologies to Edward Lear:

There once was a virus from China
whose impact was quite far from minor
     It made us all hide
     Whilst it waited outside
That horrible virus from China

Have a limerick of your own to share? Tag it with #PlagueJournal61 or #GrandTeutonPoetryChallenge.
We look forward to your contributions.

Keep Calm and Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.


Pamela Kielbowicz said...


I'm requesting a very small task
If it wouldn't be too much to ask
Don't breathe in my face
It's such a disgrace
For goodness sake just wear a mask!

Courtesy of P. Kielbowicz

Charlie van Becelaere said...

Excellent! Thanks, Pam!