Monday, January 17, 2022

Equality - 17 January 2022 - Plague Journal Day 676

Micah 6:8
James 2:1-13
Yes, your life matters.

Some of you are still sheltering in place, but fear not: I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

Today, across these United States, it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. A day to celebrate the life and work of the man who had a dream that we would all work and play together, regardless of color and race. I think it's interesting to use that word regardless - meaning without regard, without taking notice - in this context. Somehow we've managed to turn his ideas on their heads. Now it's down to how well each group is represented somewhere rather than being able to actually ignore the differences in appearance. (I am one of those who still holds that there is only one race involved here - the human race. I know I am out of fashion, but very few have ever accused me of being fashionable.)

At any rate, it's a nice coincidence that this year MLKJr Day coincides with Ben Franklin Day, celebrated on 17 January each year, marking the birthday of one of the few founding fathers who never became President of these United States. One of his more memorable aphorisms (he was quite a punster in addition to his political, scientific, abolitionist, and philosophical work) was that we must "hang together" or we must surely "hang separately."

I think there's much to be said for that as a mode of living - not just of political alliances against Great Britain. If we work to stay separate and separated, we shall surely hang separately. Why not embrace the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. and work to be color-blind rather than color hyper-aware? One day we might actually get to that color-blind society where each is judged on the content of his character rather than on the color of his skin. I pray it will be so.

Keep Calm and Don't Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.
The mental health issues related to our insane lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, has a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264.

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