Friday, April 10, 2020

10 April 2020 - Plague Journal Day 29

We all are still sheltering in place, but I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

Today is Good Friday (unless you're of the Orthodox persuasion, in which case, come back in a week and read this. Thanks.). When things happen like the amazing craziness going on all around us, Christians resort to prayer; we pray and we gather together in community to worship, praise, and petition God. Well, here we are, all needing that sense of community, that experience of corporate worship and prayer, and we simply can't do it. We can't get together in our churches. Leave aside whether that's right, good, or proper for now, the plain fact is that we can't do it. The church is not feeling powerful; and still, we know that the church is not a building, it's not an institution, the church is the Body of Christ, and as such we are all members of that Body. Rather than hide behind our masks - physical or metaphorical - we need to act. We need to act the part of the Body of Christ, reaching out to the world and to one another with the Good News that Christ not only lived, died, and rose again for us, but that He still stands as our high priest, making intercession for us always.
This nation was founded with a firm belief in the Providence of the Almighty. How can the church espouse anything less? We cannot.
While I was looking for something else altogether, I came across a prayer for the church from the old Methodist Hymnal (the one we snuck in before we became the United Methodist Church). It is more than appropriate on Good Friday as it talks about Christ's sacrifice and calls the church to cease seeking her life lest she lose it. If you have that old Book of Hymns it's #743. (If you don't have it, it's still #743.)
O God our Father, we pray for thy Church, which is set today amid the perplexities of a changing order, and face to face with new tasks. Baptize her afresh in the life-giving spirit of Jesus! Bestow upon her a great responsiveness to duty, a swifter compassion with suffering, and an utter loyalty to the will of God. Help her to proclaim boldly the coming of the kingdom of God. Put upon her lips the ancient Gospel of her Lord. Fill her with the prophets' scorn of tyranny, and with a Christlike tenderness for the heavy-laden and downtrodden. Bid her cease from seeking her own life, lest she lose it. Make her valiant to give up her life to humanity that, like her crucified Lord, she may mount by the path of the Cross to a higher glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Amen indeed.

Keep Calm and Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.

Bonus: Today is also Poet in a Cupcake Day, so decorate a cupcake to match your favourite poet or poem. I'm trying to decide how to make an "I am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra" cupcake. Photos of your oeuvres marked with #PlagueJournal29 will be most warmly welcomed.

In times like these, it's more important than ever to come together. Grand Teuton Press is proud to join the #StayHome Movement uniting our entire industry to encourage everyone to stay home if you can to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Together we can save lives. #AloneTogether

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