Thursday, February 10, 2022

Just Bare Bones - 10 February 2022 - Plague Journal Day 700

Micah 6:8
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Yes, your life matters.

Some of you are still sheltering in place, but fear not: I'm here to keep you sane and entertained.
One could hardly ask for much more than that, now could one?

That's just stunning. Today is day 700 of our two weeks working from home to flatten the curve. Fifty times the originally expected period - and we're still not through the whole thing as far as our Federal overlords are concerned. It makes me glad they didn't say four weeks at the outset! At any rate, I've now blogged for 682 days, missing only a couple right around the time when my Dad died. They're not all gems of the blogosphere, but they're all there - warts and all.

Now for today's freewrite prompt word. It is Skeleton, so here we go.

I can't tell you how many meetings I've been in where folks mix up the phrases "flush out" and "flesh out" when talking about adding details to their ideas. I'd like to tell you, and I'm not contractually prohibited from doing so, I just can't remember, other than to know that it's been quite a few.
When I pointed it out once, I was told that fleshing something out sounded kind of gross or disgusting. To my mind, flushing something out smacks of childhood goldfish funerals - and that's much worse than adding muscles and skin to a skeleton if you ask me.

Of course this all does bring to mind that spectacular scene by Ray Harryhausen when Jason and the Argonauts (those are the ones who didn't suck) fought the sword-wielding skeletons that kept growing up out of the ground from the dragon's teeth that had been planted for just that purpose.
Pretty amazing effects when you think about the fact that it's basically the same technology that gave us Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer featuring Burl Ives and the first elfin dentist.
I'm sure those Argos were glad no one fleshed out the skeletons!

Keep Calm and Don't Stay Away.
I'll be back tomorrow.
The mental health issues related to our insane lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, has a 24 hour helpline: 800-950-6264.

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